
Finding Savings in Your Lower Environments – ROI of Test Environments & Test Data


The Unseen Cost of Software Development Did you know that organizations typically spend over 50% of their IT environment budget on testing? While the spotlight often shines on development and production, lower environments—like testing and staging—are essential yet often overlooked areas for cost-saving. This article aims to shed light on two crucial aspects: Test Environment Management (TEM) and Test Data Management (TDM), which are critical for both enhancing organizational IT delivery and controlling IT costs.

Why Lower Environments Matter

The Backbone of Quality Software Lower environments are crucial for software testing, data validation, and quality assurance. However, these environments are complex to manage and can become cost centers if not handled efficiently. From hardware and software licensing to personnel and service costs, these areas offer tremendous potential for optimization.

ROI of Test Environment Management (ROI of TEM)

Unlock Savings Through Efficient Test Environments

  • Unlock Savings Through Efficient Test Environments
    • Reduction in Infrastructure Costs: TEM enables you to make better use of existing resources. Virtualization technologies let you run multiple test environments on a single server, reducing hardware costs.
    • Reduction in License Costs: By optimizing software licenses across test environments, you can cut down the number of required licenses, leading to substantial savings.
    • Reduction in Service Costs: Automated setup and configuration processes can significantly cut down on service costs related to environment management.
    • Reduction in Headcount: Automation also reduces the need for manual labor, thus allowing your employees to focus on value-added tasks and leading to staffing efficiencies.

Useful Tool: For a thorough evaluation, consider using ROI calculators like the one offered by Enov8. It can provide you with tailored insights into potential cost savings.

ROI of Test Data Management (ROI of TDM)

Optimize Your Test Data for Maximum Efficiency

  • Reduction in Infrastructure Costs: TDM allows you to minimize the need to replicate entire production environments, reducing hardware and storage costs.
  • Enhancement in Tester Productivity: Quick provisioning of accurate and compliant test data can lead to faster testing cycles.
  • Boost in Developer Productivity: With streamlined access to quality data, developers can focus on coding rather than data management, resulting in quicker development cycles.
  • Minimization of Support Costs: Better quality of test data can lead to more reliable testing outcomes, reducing the cost of post-launch support and rework.
  • Averting Data Breach Costs: By using de-identified data for testing, the risks of data breaches are minimized, thereby potentially saving significant costs related to data security incidents.

Synergies Between TEM and TDM

Better Together for Greater Savings Combining TEM and TDM offers synergistic benefits. For example, TEM’s efficient hardware utilization can be maximized when paired with TDM’s efficient data management. By synchronizing these two functions, organizations can achieve cumulative ROI that is greater than the sum of their parts.

Action Steps for Organizations

Your Roadmap to Implementation

  1. Conduct a Pilot Project: Start small to understand the benefits and challenges.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: Get buy-in from relevant departments.
  3. Choose the Right Tools: Look for platforms that align with your organization’s specific needs and risk tolerance.


By focusing on the ROI of both TEM and TDM, organizations can unlock significant savings while maintaining, or even enhancing, the quality of software delivery. In a world where every dollar counts, these lower environments offer a fertile ground for impactful cost optimization.