Some general material, odds & sids, we have referenced over time. And also an excuse to use a picture of that legendary cat Bagpuss. "a saggy, old cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams". Who lived in a shop for lost & broken things.
Article: Wikipedia "Test Environment Management". Source Wikipedia.
Article: The Test Environment Maturity Index (EMMi). Source Enov8.
Article: Standardize & Manage your Test Environments. Source Wipro.
Article: Environments Management—A Key Component for Release Management. Source CM Crossroads.
Article: Getting The Test Environment Strategy Right. Source Test Huddle.
Article: Test Environments - Oiling the Track for Agile Release Trains. Source DZone.
Article: Accelerate Projects with Test Environment Management. Source Software Test Magazine.
Article: Test Environment Anti Patterns. Source Enov8.
Article: Test Environment Anti Patterns (presentation). Source Slideshare.
Article: Four Factors For A Successful Test Environment Management Transparency. Source Financials Online.
Article: Key challenges in Test Environment Management. Source Techarcis.
Article: The ROI of Test Environments. Source Enov8.