Service Virtualization for Test Environments

Test Environment Best Practice – Service Virtualization

Service Virtualization

Service virtualization is an evolution of methods like "mocking" and "stubbing." These techniques allow you to replace dependencies in test environments, enabling teams to keep testing their software without the constraints created by services out of their control.

It's fairly common to rely on external resources that are expensive to use and/or not available to every developer. Some teams try to work around these limitations by writing their own mock code. Simulating a few interactions might get them results in the short term, but it’s unproductive to keep this effort isolated.

An alternative is service virtualization, which allows teams across your organization to use the same simulated dependencies effectively. In this post, I’ll talk about the benefits of service virtualization and highlight how having a clear process, consistent governance, and operation standards are vital to implementing a platform like this.

What Are the Benefits of Service Virtualization?

When testing in the early phases of your development cycle, developers often don't have access to all the necessary systems that will make software testing fully representative. Reasons may vary, but common examples include systems on legacy platforms, prohibitive licensing costs, and systems that generate financial transactions or cost money each time they’re queried.

This kind of constraint creates bottlenecks, forcing your teams to wait if they want to access resources. Service virtualization will enable them to replace dependencies with components and data that reliably resemble the production site.

When Should We Use Service Virtualization?

Teams that have restricted access to service dependencies tend to produce code with lower test coverage. In many cases, these teams delay most of their testing until later development phases. But fixing bugs in the later stages of the development process is more expensive, not to mention frustrating for developers.

By using service virtualization as early as possible in your development process, you're enabling your teams to increase their capacity to fix bugs that would show up only in a production environment. This is more efficient, and it gets you closer to achieving true DevOps.

How Do We Implement It?

Once you’ve picked a certain framework or tool for service virtualization, select a service with a high rate of interaction problems. Figure out your best candidate for "problematic service dependency." Record enough data to replicate this component, set up a virtualized service, and configure your code to interact with it.

In order to standardize the use of this new resource, there should be a unique source of truth where you store (and can later find) your virtualized service specifications. One common option is a version control repository like Git. Having this source of truth will help you increase adoption among other development teams. As soon as other people start reaping the benefits, they’ll be interested in virtualizing other troublesome service dependencies.

You should also create guidelines to help teams follow standards and conventions. If your organization is implementing service virtualization through an open source framework, you’ll have to enforce standardization yourself; your virtualized services should follow a common set of rules so they’re reusable across teams.

How Do We Keep a Virtualized Service Close to the Real Thing?

"Recording sessions" is a common method of service virtualization. It facilitates the process of capturing data that can be later used to simulate inputs to client services. The whole purpose is to reply to requests made by your tested code with representative samples of data.

There are other non-functional requirements you could validate, like simulating network instability or unusual response times. This is valuable for developers of mobile applications who can't assume their client application is going to enjoy a stable connection at all times.

Last but not least, persuade people to have their virtualized services automated and continuously tested. Service virtualization will be effective only when it closely represents how data is actually served in production. In order to keep up with external changes, it's critical to have automatic and reproducible processes. If you start to slack on testing, your virtualized services will become obstacles.

Whose Work Is All This?

I've seen software shops where every possible form of testing is sent to a quality assurance (QA) team. I'm not a supporter of this method.

Testers have unique skills, but their role is assisting developers when they write tests for their own code. I see service virtualization as an enterprise-wide traversal process. It needs involvement from all these team members:

  • Developers. Because of their familiarity with your business codebase, developers can quickly reason how each service interaction will affect program behavior.
  • Operators. They can quickly map how interactions may turn into failure scenarios under real-world conditions. Even if your organization has transitioned to DevOps, operators usually control firewall restrictions and endpoint configurations that are necessary for implementing service virtualization.
  • Testers (QA). They are deeply involved with reproducing conditions that might occur when your end users operate your software. Testers also serve as an active audience in the integration process, which gives them a holistic understanding of your service interactions.
  • Test Environment Managers. To ensure these "Virtual Systems" are properly advertised, provisioned, configured and shared/coordinated across the consumers (Test Teams & Projects).

Wait, Isn't This More Work?

A group of early adopters may absorb additional work in the initial phases of service virtualization. But they'll learn and document processes that other teams can then include in their development cycles, which will improve efficiency overall. Make sure to raise awareness of your initial scope to avoid frustration caused by unmet expectations. Transparency and clear goals are very important.

How Do We Get Started?

Any decision to implement a new tool should be made within the boundaries of your budget; that's why it's vital to know what dependencies are worth simulating. Locating bottlenecks in your development cycle is the first step. Then, evaluate how much your cycle could improve by using service virtualization and select a service you can quickly implement as a prototype.

Consult your teams. Ask them for input on how to obfuscate data to avoid security issues, and be sure to involve the necessary stakeholders to provide the basic infrastructure. Emphasize the importance of putting all these pieces together through automatic and reproducible methods.

A Word of Advice: Remember to Measure

Find metrics for lead times, time to market, or any other relevant measurements from your software development cycle in order to find spots where you can quickly improve. This will help your team create valuable impact in the short term.

Project managers would rather assign long time-frames that might allow projects to finish ahead of schedule, rather than tight deadlines that might cause projects to push back their due dates. Pay attention to these patterns; you might detect hidden delays in processes like infrastructure deployment and testing reconfiguration. Look for these situations as opportunities to automate, standardize, and promote change.

Authored by: Carlos “Kami” Maldonado

Test Environment Management Best Practices: Using Containers

Containers have been gaining popularity since their inception in 2001, particularly in the last few years. According to the official Red Hat blog post on the history of containers, they were originally created in order to run several servers on a single physical machine. There are significant advantages to using containers. You may have either the systems under test or automated tests running in containers—or both! This post describes best practices for managing a test environment that runs containers.

Define Ownership

It's important to define ownership of the container environment. If your test environment management (TEM) team is separate and has its own budget, most of the ownership will fall to them. Most of the guidance given by Docker regarding ownership of clusters in production applies equally to TEM.

Employing Containers

Use Containers for Tasks

The test environment itself may use containers for running tests on demand.

You can use containers to:

  1. Run applications/services.
  2. Perform tasks.

Tasks you can perform include smoke testing, load testing, and other types of automated tests. Since task containers are throwaways, you benefit from being able to free resources immediately after the task is run.

Use Clusters

Containers have scaled beyond the original intent of running multiple independent servers in relative isolation on a single machine. Clusters of host servers are common these days. You deploy containers to the cluster without having to directly manage servers for each application's requirements. Instead, you define the requirements for the container and the cluster management system runs the instance appropriately. Some noteworthy cluster management systems include Docker swarm and Kubernetes.

Cloud Hosting Services

Cloud services offer container hosting as a service, which is yet another level of abstraction from managing servers. These clusters are fully managed by the cloud provider. Results may vary based on your environment, but I've found that using cloud services to run tasks is beneficial, as it reduces the amount of scaling needed in a self-managed cluster. Also, hosting applications and services in self-managed clusters across your cloud VMs can lead to significant cost savings when running containers over longer periods of time.

Define Limits

Container memory, CPU, and swap usage limits should be set appropriately. If they are not set, the container instance will be allowed to use unlimited resources on the host server. This host server will kill processes to free up memory. Even the container host process can be killed; if that happens, all containers running on the host will stop.

Validate Configurations

Test for appropriate container runtime configurations. Use load testing in order to determine the appropriate limits for each application version and task definition. Setting the limit too low may cause application issues; setting it too high will waste resources; not setting it at all may result in catastrophic failure of the host.

Use a Source Control Management System

Container definitions are specified in a relatively straightforward text file. The host uses the text file to create and run the container instance. Often, container definitions will load and run scripts to perform more complex tasks rather than defining everything in the container definition (for Docker, that's the Dockerfile).

Use a source control management system such as Git to manage versions of container definitions. Using source control gives you a history of changes for reference and a built-in audit log. If a bug is discovered in production, the specific environment can be retrieved and rehydrated from source control. Because you can quickly recall any version of the environment, there is no need to keep a version active when it's not under test.

Create a New Container Per Version

It's best to create a new container for each version of each application. Containers are easy to run, stop, and decommission. Deploy a new container instance rather than updating in place. By deploying a new instance, you can ensure that the container has only the dependencies specific to that version of the application. This frees the running instances from bloat and conflicts.

Running instances have names for reference; use the application and version in the instance name, if possible.

If dependencies haven't changed, the container definition itself doesn't need to change. The container definition is for specifying the container itself (the OS and application dependencies). Specify versions of dependencies and base images rather than always using the latest ones. When dependencies change (including versions), create a new version of your container definition or script.

To clarify, here is a snippet from a Dockerfile for node 10.1.0 based on Linux Alpine 3.7:

FROM alpine:3.7



    && curl -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz" \

    && curl -SLO --compressed "$NODE_VERSION/SHASUMS256.txt.asc" \

    && gpg --batch --decrypt --output SHASUMS256.txt SHASUMS256.txt.asc \

    && grep " node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.xz\$" SHASUMS256.txt | sha256sum -c - \


CMD [ "node" ]

If you were running node scripts, you might create your own Dockerfile starting with FROM node:10.1.0-alpine. This tells docker to use this specific base image (node 10.1.0 running on Linux Alpine) from the public image repository—Docker Hub. You would then use the remainder of your Dockerfile to install your application specific dependencies. This process is further described here.

Avoid Duplication

There should be a single source of truth for each container definition. All deployments in all environments should use that source of truth. Use environment variables to configure the containers per environment.

Design container definitions for reuse. If you find that only certain parts of a definition change, create a base file for the parts that stay stable and move the ever-changing parts into child files.


Monitor your running container instances and the cluster environment. Monitoring allows you to flag events that could indicate defects in the system under test. These defects may go unnoticed without a way to measure the impact of the system on the environment.

When working with clusters, monitoring is essential for auto-scaling based on configurable thresholds. Similarly, you should set thresholds in your monitoring system to trigger alerts when a process is consuming more resources than expected. You can use these alerts to help identify defects.

Log Events

Logging events from your test environment can mean the difference between resolving an issue and letting it pass as a "ghost in the machine." Parallel and asynchronous programming are essential for boosting performance and reducing load, but they can cause timing issues that lead to odd defects that are not easily reproducible. Detailed event logs can give significant clues that will help you recognize the source of an issue. This is only one of many cases where logging is important.

Logs realize their value when they are accessed and utilized. Some logs will never make it to the surface, and that's OK. Having the proper tools to analyze the logs will make the data more valuable. Good log analysis tools make short work of correlating events and pay for themselves in time.

Use Alerting/Issue Tracking Strategically

Set up alerts for significant events only. A continual flood of alerts is almost guaranteed to be less effective. Raise the alarms when there is a system failure or a blocker. Batching alerts of lower priority is more efficient, as it causes less disruption to the value stream. Only stop the line when an event disrupts the flow. Checkpoints like gates and retrospectives are in place for a reason. Use them, along with issue tracking systems, to communicate non-critical issues.


Containers are being used nearly everywhere. They're continuing to gain traction, especially as cloud hosting providers are expanding their container hosting capabilities. Understanding how to manage containers and their hosting environment is important for your test environment management capabilities. You should now have a better idea of what to expect when using containers and how you can most effectively manage your container environment.

Author: Phil Vuollet

Phil uses software to automate process to improve efficiency and repeat-ability. He writes about topics relevant to technology and business, occasionally gives talks on the same topics, and is a family man who enjoys playing soccer and board games with his children.

Orchestrate your Environments

Enterprise IT Intelligence & Orchestrating your Environments

What Is Enterprise IT Intelligence?

I have heard the phrase “Enterprise IT Intelligence” banded around a few times recently, in particular when talking about concepts like Agile, DevOps at scale or IT Environment Management.

It's quite a fancy set of words. However, what does it mean, though?

Is it an oxymoron? Is it simply someone trying to create a new job title for themselves? 

> "Ahem, yes. I have decided I am an enterprise intelligence analyst." 

To be honest.

I'm already suspicious of anyone who calls themselves "data scientist" , and I'm all the more so when it comes to the title above.

To put it in "Up Goer Five" terms (read: using only the 10,000 words people use most often), enterprise IT intelligence is the idea that seeing and learning things across an entire work place can help people in power do new and good things.

This usually in turns leads to more value, better revenue, happier employees, or whatever else that decision-maker is targeting. And of course, we threw in the term "IT" because most of this data comes from employee and customer interaction with software applications. 

Data vs. Information vs. Intelligence

Software applications are the main producers of this potential intelligence. But let's be clear: they usually only produce information and data, not actual intelligence. This is why enterprise IT intelligence gets its own moniker. It's not common. The way we spin up application teams isn't geared towards producing intelligence.

So, what's the difference between data, information, and intelligence? They're easy to mix up, and confusing them can lead to a lot of money spent collecting these three things with little gain.

Data means facts. If we're talking about human beings, we can consider our height, weight, and age to be data. Information means we're using snapshots of these facts to answer simple questions. In our example, that means taking our data to project what our current risk of a heart attack is. Intelligence, the glorious topic of this post, is the story that this information tells. "Why do people with a high risk of heart attack love popcorn?" Intelligence often leads to decisions like, "Let's partner our movie theaters with the American Red Cross. We'll offer a discount on our weekend showings if they do a health evaluation."

User-Focus Doesn't Always Lead to Intelligence

As I said, most applications produce data and information, not intelligence. Why is this?

Well, it's because applications in an enterprise are usually either user-centric or data-centric. A data-centric application may be something like a service that stores recommendations for loans to which people may apply. User-centric applications might be something like a tool to help mortgage lenders approve a new mortgage. In organizationally-challenged enterprises, a team may be defined as the database management part of seven teams that help mortgage lenders approve a new mortgage.

It's healthy to focus on the main users of your application, and it will lead to much success for you and them. But what the user does or needs in order to interact with you is just a small part of the story. Think about a mortgage enterprise. A user applying for and receiving a loan are just two steps of the overall value. The loan has to be underwritten, someone has to check if there's money in the bank for the loan, and the risk of the loan must be audited. I'm not a mortgage banker, so there are probably dozens of steps I'm missing. No one user-focused application team can handle all of this at any decent-sized company.

Value Streaming

Instead, intelligence has to be focused on the value stream of the enterprise. This is a fancy way of saying we should focus on how the company goes from wanting to fulfill a customer desire to creating a fully formed application: how things go from a twinkle in the eye to reality. So if I'm an automotive company, I'll map all the steps of a new car design being turned into a car that the customer drives off the lot.

Since I can see the entire stream, like water, I can shift it. I can put a metaphorical rock in the right place to steer the stream where it needs to go. No one user-centric or data-centric application can do this on their own, but they all have a little bit of data and information they can give to the effort, creating intelligence.

What Is Its Power?

Gaining actual intelligence over multiple aspects of your enterprise is powerful. I mean, this is the stuff that drives companies to the top—and the lack thereof can drive a company out of business. Netflix has spun up entire genres of original content based upon the intelligence they gathered about what people like to watch. Amazon uses intelligence to groom their product recommendation engine to outsell their competition. Until you use intelligence across your enterprise, you're only seeing a small part of the story.

Bad analogy time: think about a musical composition. You have notes, the beat, the scale and the volume. This your data. You have the transitions between notes: sometimes you go up smoothly, sometimes you go down in staccato fashion, sometimes you pause. This is your information. Then you bring in the instruments. You have your strings, brass, and percussion. There may also be singers. You bring in a group of altos, tenors, and basses (sorry, sopranos). They each get their own set of notes. These groups are your applications.

However, the true beauty of the music cannot be understood until you hear all of it come together. You can get an idea of how the song may sound with just one section, but you won't truly appreciate it until everyone works together. That is intelligence. And the conductor takes these elements and guides them, raising or lowering the volume, slowing down a section or speeding them up. This is why intelligence is valuable. And only the conductor, the one who has this intelligence at their disposal, can do it.

Where To Go From Here

So let's make some beautiful music. We live in a great age where there are many, many tools that can help you gather intelligence for your enterprise. In fact, there are enough tools that it may overwhelm you if you're dipping into the space for the first time. It may be helpful for you to look into tools that simplify the process.

I hope this helped clear up the nature of the intelligence behind "enterprise IT intelligence."

Author Mark Henke

Mark has spent over 10 years architecting systems that talk to other systems, doing DevOps before it was cool, and matching software to its business function. Every developer is a leader of something on their team, and he wants to help them see that.